At age 15 I have devoted my training and time to jumping high and becoming a better high jumper. I have many dreams that I plan on accomplishing and with hard work they will all come true. I've been through a lot and I am sure there is more to come, but I know that i'll get through it. Project Mason isn't just a's my journey.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I've been pretty busy. School is going pretty good and I am satisfied with all the teachers except one! He teaches Chemistry and my first grade I turn in (a lab report) comes out as a 65%! I don't think I have ever gotten a grade that low before! His reason being that I "forgot a few things" even though I went off his guideline. Well, since I got that off my I had a cross-country meet but I didn't run my calf was bothering me yesterday and me and my parents agreed that I shouldn't run. It isn't like me, but I just thought it best. A couple of my friends, Evan and Wyatt, joined the cross-country team a week ago and they ran their first 5k today! Wyatt was a second slower than the race before I got hurt, so looks like I have a running partner! Evan, not so much (ran a 25:05)...but he tried and that's all that matters. Anyone who does running I give respect, no matter if you're good or not. As far as training goes for Jump Manual; I took the past two days off because of my calf, just kind of been on complete rest mode. I have continued my D.D.'s and core work daily though, so I've been busy. This Sunday I get to go back to driving school, hopefully that girl I like is there. I just need one moment to talk to her! Maybe i'll pray about it tonight. Speaking of praying, I have some old news to report but quite sad news to me. Chuck Harris "Mirror Man" from Ohio died August 22nd, 2012 if I'm not mistaken. He was a great person and a great cyclist. He improved the sport of road cycling ten fold! I will definitively miss him and many others will too. If you want to check out the full story click here.

quick update on my vertical:
As you might have expected, I haven't been testing my vertical! I plan on doing plyos tomorrow so I don't want to get to in depth in this post about my vertical. I'll let you guys know tomorrow!


"it's never crowded along the extra mile" 


  1. That sucks that you didn't get to race, but awesome that some of your buddies did. I wish I would have run in high school, because now I would be so much better. Make sure your calf is 100% before you do any hard stuff, including plyos! It's very easy to turn a strain into a tear, speaking from experience. You might want to check out Mobility WOD, he has some great stuff for tight calves. And make sure you are foam rolling and stretching upstream and downstream of what hurts. I'll get off my soap box now.

    Good luck with that chick. Try to make eye contact with her before you approach, when she sees you, smile. If she smiles back, you're money!

    1. Thanks man for the reply. Yeah my calf is all messed up but I will definitively check out the Mobility WOD, is it a youtube or something? and I do some foam rolling with a basketball and it feels amazing :)

      yeah hopefully that girl likes me! just gotta be confident!
